Mellat Exchange Company (Private held company) with national identity 10103581206 and registration number 321010 started its activities on 12/26/2007 based on the official license of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The subject of the company's business is to do all the affairs related to buying and selling all kinds of banknotes and foreign concessions. At present, the company's capital is 600 billion Rials.
Mellat Financial Group, on behalf of Mellat Bank, owns 70% of the company's shares.
Ferdowsi Branch: No. 274, next to Mellat Bank, North of Ferdowsi St., Tehran, Iran.
TEL: 0098 21 66703040
Official and Central Branch: No. 54, on the corner of 19th Street, below Jahan Koodak Crossroads, Africa Street, Tehran, Iran.
Tel: 0098 21 42533000
Fax: 0098 21 88677142